34  分层正态模型

以分层正态模型介绍 rstan 包的用法

rstan_options(auto_write = TRUE)
# 如果CPU和内存足够,设置成与马尔科夫链一样多
options(mc.cores = max(c(floor(parallel::detectCores() / 2), 1L)))

custom_colors <- c(
  "#4285f4", # GoogleBlue
  "#34A853", # GoogleGreen
  "#FBBC05", # GoogleYellow
  "#EA4335"  # GoogleRed
  panel.background = element_rect(fill = "white"),
  legend.position = "top"
  fill = "#4285f4", color = "white",
  pt_color = "#EA4335", chain_colors = custom_colors

34.1 8schools 数据


\[ \begin{aligned} y_j &\sim \mathcal{N}(\theta_j,\sigma_j) \quad \theta_j = \mu + \tau * \eta_j \\ \theta_j &\sim \mathcal{N}(\mu, \tau) \quad \eta_j \sim \mathcal{N}(0,1) \end{aligned} \]

34.1.1 拟合模型

用 rstan 包来拟合模型

# 编译模型
eight_schools_fit <- stan(
  model_name = "eight_schools",
  # file = "code/stan/8schools.stan",
  model_code = "
  // saved as 8schools.stan
  data {
    int<lower=0> J;         // number of schools
    real y[J];              // estimated treatment effects
    real<lower=0> sigma[J]; // standard error of effect estimates
  parameters {
    real mu;                // population treatment effect
    real<lower=0> tau;      // standard deviation in treatment effects
    vector[J] eta;          // unscaled deviation from mu by school
  transformed parameters {
    vector[J] theta = mu + tau * eta;        // school treatment effects
  model {
    target += normal_lpdf(eta | 0, 1);       // prior log-density
    target += normal_lpdf(y | theta, sigma); // log-likelihood
  data = list( # 观测数据
    J = 8,
    y = c(28, 8, -3, 7, -1, 1, 18, 12),
    sigma = c(15, 10, 16, 11, 9, 11, 10, 18)
  warmup = 1000, # 每条链预处理迭代次数
  iter = 2000,   # 每条链总迭代次数
  chains = 2,    # 马尔科夫链的数目
  cores = 2,     # 指定 CPU 核心数,可以给每条链分配一个
  verbose = FALSE, # 不显示迭代的中间过程
  refresh = 0,     # 不显示采样的进度
  seed = 20190425  # 设置随机数种子,不要使用 set.seed() 函数
#> Warning: There were 1 divergent transitions after warmup. See
#> https://mc-stan.org/misc/warnings.html#divergent-transitions-after-warmup
#> to find out why this is a problem and how to eliminate them.
#> Warning: Examine the pairs() plot to diagnose sampling problems

34.1.2 模型输出

print(eight_schools_fit, digits = 1)
#> Inference for Stan model: eight_schools.
#> 2 chains, each with iter=2000; warmup=1000; thin=1; 
#> post-warmup draws per chain=1000, total post-warmup draws=2000.
#>           mean se_mean  sd  2.5%   25%   50%   75% 97.5% n_eff Rhat
#> mu         8.2     0.2 5.1  -1.2   4.8   8.0  11.3  19.1   975    1
#> tau        6.6     0.2 5.8   0.3   2.5   5.3   9.2  20.7   784    1
#> eta[1]     0.4     0.0 0.9  -1.5  -0.2   0.4   1.0   2.2  1696    1
#> eta[2]    -0.1     0.0 0.8  -1.7  -0.6   0.0   0.5   1.7  1748    1
#> eta[3]    -0.2     0.0 0.9  -2.0  -0.8  -0.2   0.3   1.7  1921    1
#> eta[4]     0.0     0.0 0.9  -1.7  -0.7  -0.1   0.6   1.7  2035    1
#> eta[5]    -0.4     0.0 0.9  -2.0  -1.0  -0.4   0.2   1.4  1859    1
#> eta[6]    -0.2     0.0 0.9  -1.9  -0.8  -0.3   0.4   1.6  1885    1
#> eta[7]     0.3     0.0 0.8  -1.4  -0.2   0.3   0.9   2.0  1743    1
#> eta[8]     0.0     0.0 0.9  -1.7  -0.6   0.0   0.6   1.9  2118    1
#> theta[1]  11.4     0.2 8.2  -2.0   6.1  10.3  15.3  31.1  1194    1
#> theta[2]   7.8     0.1 6.2  -4.3   4.1   7.7  11.4  20.3  2314    1
#> theta[3]   6.0     0.2 7.5 -10.6   2.0   6.5  10.7  19.7  1698    1
#> theta[4]   7.7     0.1 6.6  -6.2   3.8   7.7  11.6  21.4  2052    1
#> theta[5]   5.2     0.1 6.4  -9.3   1.3   5.8   9.4  16.2  2025    1
#> theta[6]   6.2     0.1 6.6  -8.0   2.6   6.6  10.5  18.9  2106    1
#> theta[7]  10.5     0.2 6.5  -1.3   6.3  10.0  14.2  25.0  1566    1
#> theta[8]   8.2     0.2 7.7  -8.0   3.9   8.1  12.5  24.2  1764    1
#> lp__     -39.4     0.1 2.6 -44.8 -41.0 -39.2 -37.6 -34.8   752    1
#> Samples were drawn using NUTS(diag_e) at Sun Oct  8 05:32:22 2023.
#> For each parameter, n_eff is a crude measure of effective sample size,
#> and Rhat is the potential scale reduction factor on split chains (at 
#> convergence, Rhat=1).

提取任意一个参数的结果,如查看参数 \(\tau\) 的 95% 置信区间。

print(eight_schools_fit, pars = "tau", probs = c(0.025, 0.975))
#> Inference for Stan model: eight_schools.
#> 2 chains, each with iter=2000; warmup=1000; thin=1; 
#> post-warmup draws per chain=1000, total post-warmup draws=2000.
#>     mean se_mean   sd 2.5% 97.5% n_eff Rhat
#> tau 6.65    0.21 5.76 0.27 20.73   784    1
#> Samples were drawn using NUTS(diag_e) at Sun Oct  8 05:32:22 2023.
#> For each parameter, n_eff is a crude measure of effective sample size,
#> and Rhat is the potential scale reduction factor on split chains (at 
#> convergence, Rhat=1).

从迭代抽样数据获得与 print(fit) 一样的结果。以便后续对原始采样数据做任意的进一步分析。rstan 包扩展泛型函数 summary() 以支持对 stanfit 数据对象汇总,输出各个参数分链条和合并链条的后验分布结果。

34.1.3 操作数据


eight_schools_sim <- extract(eight_schools_fit, permuted = TRUE)


#> List of 5
#>  $ mu   : num [1:2000(1d)] 2.82 14.61 2.77 22.91 3.46 ...
#>   ..- attr(*, "dimnames")=List of 1
#>   .. ..$ iterations: NULL
#>  $ tau  : num [1:2000(1d)] 4.1789 9.9243 4.2404 14.278 0.0636 ...
#>   ..- attr(*, "dimnames")=List of 1
#>   .. ..$ iterations: NULL
#>  $ eta  : num [1:2000, 1:8] 0.552 0.519 0.929 -0.136 0.163 ...
#>   ..- attr(*, "dimnames")=List of 2
#>   .. ..$ iterations: NULL
#>   .. ..$           : NULL
#>  $ theta: num [1:2000, 1:8] 5.12 19.75 6.71 20.97 3.47 ...
#>   ..- attr(*, "dimnames")=List of 2
#>   .. ..$ iterations: NULL
#>   .. ..$           : NULL
#>  $ lp__ : num [1:2000(1d)] -43.2 -39.1 -39.3 -38.7 -43 ...
#>   ..- attr(*, "dimnames")=List of 1
#>   .. ..$ iterations: NULL
#> [1] "list"

计算参数 \(\eta,\theta\) 的均值

apply(eight_schools_sim$eta, 2, mean)
#> [1]  0.37737234 -0.05115180 -0.22331030 -0.04388245 -0.35811384 -0.22323565
#> [7]  0.30601563  0.01891633
apply(eight_schools_sim$theta, 2, mean)
#> [1] 11.436791  7.793837  6.010571  7.703675  5.161396  6.237395 10.528707
#> [8]  8.185503

计算参数 \(\eta,\theta\) 的分位点

t(apply(eight_schools_sim$eta, 2, quantile, probs = c(2.5, 25, 50, 75, 97.5) / 100))
#>             2.5%        25%         50%       75%    97.5%
#>   [1,] -1.507198 -0.1968247  0.37869013 0.9789101 2.174623
#>   [2,] -1.726116 -0.5851447 -0.04740783 0.4768830 1.660240
#>   [3,] -1.994936 -0.8202685 -0.23339301 0.3494418 1.662723
#>   [4,] -1.745175 -0.6545073 -0.05512642 0.5521324 1.741359
#>   [5,] -2.004906 -0.9575384 -0.35962354 0.2032693 1.407583
#>   [6,] -1.922606 -0.8169963 -0.25524392 0.3566269 1.574648
#>   [7,] -1.368122 -0.2396888  0.31536228 0.8581667 1.970735
#>   [8,] -1.736231 -0.5953672 -0.03530469 0.6294982 1.886066
t(apply(eight_schools_sim$theta, 2, quantile, probs = c(2.5, 25, 50, 75, 97.5) / 100))
#>              2.5%      25%       50%       75%    97.5%
#>   [1,]  -2.033648 6.100229 10.271452 15.343849 31.06742
#>   [2,]  -4.273520 4.050181  7.722681 11.445376 20.34221
#>   [3,] -10.641025 1.990698  6.517992 10.713881 19.70925
#>   [4,]  -6.152792 3.824841  7.651704 11.638808 21.40971
#>   [5,]  -9.289988 1.294042  5.751342  9.403381 16.21893
#>   [6,]  -8.003669 2.607037  6.582900 10.452106 18.90089
#>   [7,]  -1.262546 6.306058  9.995780 14.187053 25.04851
#>   [8,]  -7.978283 3.895587  8.129171 12.493753 24.21741

计算参数 \(\mu,\tau\) 的均值

lapply(eight_schools_sim["mu"], mean)
#> $mu
#> [1] 8.180393
lapply(eight_schools_sim["tau"], mean)
#> $tau
#> [1] 6.647675
lapply(eight_schools_sim["lp__"], mean)
#> $lp__
#> [1] -39.38927

计算参数 \(\mu,\tau\) 的分位点

lapply(eight_schools_sim["mu"], quantile, probs = c(2.5, 25, 50, 75, 97.5) / 100)
#> $mu
#>      2.5%       25%       50%       75%     97.5% 
#> -1.218135  4.824075  7.972065 11.343782 19.089152
lapply(eight_schools_sim["tau"], quantile, probs = c(2.5, 25, 50, 75, 97.5) / 100)
#> $tau
#>       2.5%        25%        50%        75%      97.5% 
#>  0.2686822  2.4555350  5.3460596  9.1916895 20.7314381
lapply(eight_schools_sim["lp__"], quantile, probs = c(2.5, 25, 50, 75, 97.5) / 100)
#> $lp__
#>      2.5%       25%       50%       75%     97.5% 
#> -44.77153 -41.00192 -39.23531 -37.59843 -34.80907

34.1.4 采样诊断


eight_schools_sim <- extract(eight_schools_fit, permuted = FALSE)

eight_schools_sim 是一个三维数组,1000(次迭代)* 4 (条链)* 19(个参数)。如果 permuted = TRUE 则会合并四条马氏链的迭代结果,变成一个列表。

# 数据类型
#> [1] "array"
# 1000(次迭代)* 4 (条链)* 19(个参数)
#>  num [1:1000, 1:2, 1:19] 14.07 13.02 9.03 8.03 6.85 ...
#>  - attr(*, "dimnames")=List of 3
#>   ..$ iterations: NULL
#>   ..$ chains    : chr [1:2] "chain:1" "chain:2"
#>   ..$ parameters: chr [1:19] "mu" "tau" "eta[1]" "eta[2]" ...

提取参数 \(\mu\) 的四条迭代点列

eight_schools_mu_sim <- eight_schools_sim[, , "mu"]
        xlab = "Iteration", ylab = expression(mu),
        type = "l", lty = "solid", col = custom_colors
abline(h = apply(eight_schools_mu_sim, 2, mean), col = custom_colors)
       legend = paste0("chain:", 1:2), box.col = "white", inset = 0.01,
       lty = "solid", horiz = TRUE, col = custom_colors
图 34.1: 参数 \(\mu\) 的迭代轨迹

或者使用 rstan 提供的 traceplot 函数或者 stan_trace 函数,rstan 大量依赖 ggplot2 绘图,所以如果你熟悉 GGplot2 可以很方便地定制属于自己的风格,除了 rstan 提供的 rstan_ggtheme_optionsrstan_gg_options 两个函数外,还可以使用 ggplot2 自带的大量配置选项和主题,如 theme_minimal 主题,因为 stan_trace等作图函数返回的是一个 ggplot 对象。

stan_trace(eight_schools_fit, pars = "mu") +
  theme_minimal() +
  labs(x = "Iteration", y = expression(mu))
图 34.2: 马氏链的迭代序列

序列的自相关图,类似地,我们这里也使用 stan_ac 函数绘制自相关图

stan_ac(eight_schools_fit, pars = "mu", separate_chains = TRUE, color = "white") +
图 34.3: 马氏链的自相关图

34.1.5 后验分布

可以用 stan_hist 函数绘制参数 \(\mu\) 的后验分布图,它没有 separate_chains 参数,所以不能分链条绘制

stan_hist(eight_schools_fit, pars = "mu", bins = 30) + theme_minimal()
图 34.4: 参数 \(\mu\) 的后验分布

参数 \(\mu\)\(\tau\) 的散点图

stan_scat(eight_schools_fit, pars = c("mu","tau")) + theme_minimal()
图 34.5: 参数 \(\mu\)\(\tau\) 的联合后验分布

参数 \(\mu\) 的后验概率密度分布图

stan_dens(eight_schools_fit, pars = "mu", separate_chains = TRUE) +
  theme_minimal() +
  labs(x = expression(mu), y = "Density")
图 34.6: 参数 \(\mu\) 的后验概率密度分布图

bayesplot 包的函数 mcmc_pairs() 以矩阵图展示多个参数的分布。

bayesplot::mcmc_pairs(eight_schools_fit, pars = c("mu", "tau", "lp__"))
图 34.7: 参数 \(\mu\)\(\tau\)\(\mathrm{lp\_\_}\) 的后验分布图

34.1.6 模型导出

rstan 包还支持从外部磁盘读取代码

fit <- stan(file = 'code/stan/8schools.stan', ...)

schools_dat <- read_rdump('data/8schools.rdump')

34.1.7 其它 R 包

接下来,分别用 nlme 和 lme4 包拟合模型。

# 成绩
y <- c(28, 8, -3, 7, -1, 1, 18, 12)
# 标准差
sigma <- c(15, 10, 16, 11, 9, 11, 10, 18)
# 学校编号
g <- 1:8

首先,调用 nlme 包的函数 lme() 拟合模型。

fit_lme <- lme(y ~ 1, random = ~ 1 | g, weights = varFunc(~ 1/sigma^2))
#> Linear mixed-effects model fit by REML
#>   Data: NULL 
#>       AIC      BIC   logLik
#>   60.7886 60.62633 -27.3943
#> Random effects:
#>  Formula: ~1 | g
#>         (Intercept)    Residual
#> StdDev:    10.44373 0.008057412
#> Variance function:
#>  Structure: fixed weights
#>  Formula: ~1/sigma^2 
#> Fixed effects:  y ~ 1 
#>             Value Std.Error DF  t-value p-value
#> (Intercept)  8.75  3.692415  8 2.369723  0.0453
#> Standardized Within-Group Residuals:
#>           Min            Q1           Med            Q3           Max 
#> -8.002887e-05 -5.259764e-05 -8.646475e-06  2.708670e-05  9.480343e-05 
#> Number of Observations: 8
#> Number of Groups: 8

接着,采用 lme4 包拟合模型,发现 lme4 包可以获得与 nlme 包一致的结果。

control <- lme4::lmerControl(
  check.conv.singular = "ignore",
  check.nobs.vs.nRE = "ignore",
  check.nobs.vs.nlev = "ignore"
fit_lme4 <- lme4::lmer(y ~ 1 + (1 | g), weights = 1 / sigma^2, control = control, REML = FALSE)
#> Linear mixed model fit by maximum likelihood  ['lmerMod']
#> Formula: y ~ 1 + (1 | g)
#> Weights: 1/sigma^2
#> Control: control
#>      AIC      BIC   logLik deviance df.resid 
#>     64.4     64.6    -29.2     58.4        5 
#> Scaled residuals: 
#>      Min       1Q   Median       3Q      Max 
#> -1.25814 -0.81193 -0.02014  0.57052  1.76556 
#> Random effects:
#>  Groups   Name        Variance  Std.Dev. 
#>  g        (Intercept) 1.859e-13 4.311e-07
#>  Residual             5.884e-01 7.671e-01
#> Number of obs: 8, groups:  g, 8
#> Fixed effects:
#>             Estimate Std. Error t value
#> (Intercept)    7.686      3.123   2.461

最后,使用 blme 包 (Chung 等 2013) ,blme 包基于 lme4 包,结果完全一致。

### Example using a residual variance prior ###
# This is the "eight schools" data set; 
# the mode should be at the boundary of the space.

fit_blme <- blme::blmer(
  y ~ 1 + (1 | g),
  control = control, REML = FALSE,
  resid.prior = point, cov.prior = NULL,
  weights = 1 / sigma^2
#> Resid prior: point(value = 1)
#> Prior dev  : 0
#> Linear mixed model fit by maximum likelihood  ['blmerMod']
#> Formula: y ~ 1 + (1 | g)
#> Weights: 1/sigma^2
#> Control: control
#>      AIC      BIC   logLik deviance df.resid 
#>     65.3     65.6    -29.7     59.3        5 
#> Scaled residuals: 
#>      Min       1Q   Median       3Q      Max 
#> -0.96507 -0.62280 -0.01545  0.43763  1.35429 
#> Random effects:
#>  Groups   Name        Variance Std.Dev.
#>  g        (Intercept) 0        0       
#>  Residual             1        1       
#> Number of obs: 8, groups:  g, 8
#> Fixed effects:
#>             Estimate Std. Error t value
#> (Intercept)    7.686      4.072   1.887

34.2 rats 数据

rats 数据最早来自 Gelfand 等 (1990) ,记录 30 只小鼠每隔一周的重量,一共进行了 5 周。第一次记录是小鼠第 8 天的时候,第二次测量记录是第 15 天的时候,一直持续到第 36 天。下面在 R 环境中准备数据。

# 总共 30 只老鼠
N <- 30
# 总共进行 5 周
T <- 5
# 小鼠重量
y <- structure(c(
  151, 145, 147, 155, 135, 159, 141, 159, 177, 134,
  160, 143, 154, 171, 163, 160, 142, 156, 157, 152, 154, 139, 146,
  157, 132, 160, 169, 157, 137, 153, 199, 199, 214, 200, 188, 210,
  189, 201, 236, 182, 208, 188, 200, 221, 216, 207, 187, 203, 212,
  203, 205, 190, 191, 211, 185, 207, 216, 205, 180, 200, 246, 249,
  263, 237, 230, 252, 231, 248, 285, 220, 261, 220, 244, 270, 242,
  248, 234, 243, 259, 246, 253, 225, 229, 250, 237, 257, 261, 248,
  219, 244, 283, 293, 312, 272, 280, 298, 275, 297, 350, 260, 313,
  273, 289, 326, 281, 288, 280, 283, 307, 286, 298, 267, 272, 285,
  286, 303, 295, 289, 258, 286, 320, 354, 328, 297, 323, 331, 305,
  338, 376, 296, 352, 314, 325, 358, 312, 324, 316, 317, 336, 321,
  334, 302, 302, 323, 331, 345, 333, 316, 291, 324
), .Dim = c(30, 5))
# 第几天
x <- c(8.0, 15.0, 22.0, 29.0, 36.0)
xbar <- 22.0

重复测量的小鼠重量数据 rats 如下 表格 34.1 所示。

表格 34.1: 小鼠重量数据(部分)
第 8 天 第 15 天 第 22 天 第 29 天 第 36 天
1 151 199 246 283 320
2 145 199 249 293 354
3 147 214 263 312 328
4 155 200 237 272 297
5 135 188 230 280 323
6 159 210 252 298 331

小鼠重量数据的分布情况见下 图 34.8 ,由图可以假定 30 只小鼠的重量服从正态分布。

图 34.8: 30 只小鼠 5 次测量的数据

图 34.9 可见, 30 只小鼠的重量增长趋势呈现一种线性趋势。

图 34.9: 30 只小鼠 5 次测量的数据

34.2.1 rstan


# 迭代链
chains <- 4
# 迭代次数
iter <- 1000
# 初始值
init <- rep(list(list(
  alpha = rep(250, 30), beta = rep(6, 30),
  alpha_c = 150, beta_c = 10,
  tausq_c = 1, tausq_alpha = 1,
  tausq_beta = 1
)), chains)


\[ \begin{aligned} \alpha_c &\sim \mathcal{N}(0,100) \quad \beta_c \sim \mathcal{N}(0,100) \\ \tau^2_c &\sim \mathrm{inv\_gamma}(0.001, 0.001) \\ \tau^2_{\alpha} &\sim \mathrm{inv\_gamma}(0.001, 0.001) \\ \tau^2_{\beta} &\sim \mathrm{inv\_gamma}(0.001, 0.001) \\ \alpha &\sim \mathcal{N}(\alpha_c, \tau_{\alpha}) \quad \beta \sim \mathcal{N}(\beta_c, \tau_{\beta}) \\ y_{nt} &\sim \mathcal{N}(\alpha_n + \beta_n * (x_t - \bar{x}), \tau_c) \\ & n = 1,2,\ldots,N \quad t = 1,2,\ldots,T \end{aligned} \]

其中, \(\alpha_c,\beta_c,\tau_c,\tau_{\alpha},\tau_{\beta}\) 为无信息先验,\(N = 30\)\(T = 5\) 分别表示实验中的小鼠数量和测量次数,下面采用 Stan 编码、编译、采样和拟合模型。

rats_fit <- stan(
  model_name = "rats",
  model_code = "
  data {
    int<lower=0> N;
    int<lower=0> T;
    vector[T] x;
    matrix[N,T] y;
    real xbar;
  parameters {
    vector[N] alpha;
    vector[N] beta;

    real alpha_c;
    real beta_c;          // beta.c in original bugs model

    real<lower=0> tausq_c;
    real<lower=0> tausq_alpha;
    real<lower=0> tausq_beta;
  transformed parameters {
    real<lower=0> tau_c;       // sigma in original bugs model
    real<lower=0> tau_alpha;
    real<lower=0> tau_beta;

    tau_c = sqrt(tausq_c);
    tau_alpha = sqrt(tausq_alpha);
    tau_beta = sqrt(tausq_beta);
  model {
    alpha_c ~ normal(0, 100);
    beta_c ~ normal(0, 100);
    tausq_c ~ inv_gamma(0.001, 0.001);
    tausq_alpha ~ inv_gamma(0.001, 0.001);
    tausq_beta ~ inv_gamma(0.001, 0.001);
    alpha ~ normal(alpha_c, tau_alpha); // vectorized
    beta ~ normal(beta_c, tau_beta);  // vectorized
    for (n in 1:N)
      for (t in 1:T)
        y[n,t] ~ normal(alpha[n] + beta[n] * (x[t] - xbar), tau_c);
  generated quantities {
    real alpha0;
    alpha0 = alpha_c - xbar * beta_c;
  data = list(N = N, T = T, y = y, x = x, xbar = xbar),
  chains = chains, init = init, iter = iter,   
  verbose = FALSE, refresh = 0, seed = 20190425


print(rats_fit, pars = c("alpha", "beta"), include = FALSE, digits = 1)
#> Inference for Stan model: rats.
#> 4 chains, each with iter=1000; warmup=500; thin=1; 
#> post-warmup draws per chain=500, total post-warmup draws=2000.
#>               mean se_mean   sd   2.5%    25%    50%    75%  97.5% n_eff Rhat
#> alpha_c      242.5     0.1  2.6  237.3  240.8  242.5  244.2  247.6  2200    1
#> beta_c         6.2     0.0  0.1    6.0    6.1    6.2    6.3    6.4  2134    1
#> tausq_c       37.3     0.2  5.4   28.3   33.4   36.8   40.5   49.0  1090    1
#> tausq_alpha  218.5     1.5 62.1  127.3  174.5  207.2  252.1  369.2  1787    1
#> tausq_beta     0.3     0.0  0.1    0.1    0.2    0.3    0.3    0.5  1340    1
#> tau_c          6.1     0.0  0.4    5.3    5.8    6.1    6.4    7.0  1096    1
#> tau_alpha     14.6     0.0  2.0   11.3   13.2   14.4   15.9   19.2  1871    1
#> tau_beta       0.5     0.0  0.1    0.4    0.5    0.5    0.6    0.7  1304    1
#> alpha0       106.4     0.1  3.5   99.4  104.0  106.4  108.7  113.4  2300    1
#> lp__        -438.6     0.3  6.6 -452.7 -442.9 -438.1 -434.1 -426.3   703    1
#> Samples were drawn using NUTS(diag_e) at Sun Oct  8 05:34:02 2023.
#> For each parameter, n_eff is a crude measure of effective sample size,
#> and Rhat is the potential scale reduction factor on split chains (at 
#> convergence, Rhat=1).

对于分量众多的参数向量,比较适合用岭线图展示后验分布,下面调用 bayesplot 包绘制参数向量 \(\alpha,\beta\) 的后验分布。

# plot(rats_fit, pars = "alpha", show_density = TRUE, ci_level = 0.8, outer_level = 0.95)
bayesplot::mcmc_areas_ridges(rats_fit, pars = paste0("alpha", "[", 1:30, "]"))
图 34.10: 参数 \(\alpha\) 的后验分布
# plot(rats_fit, pars = "beta", ci_level = 0.8, outer_level = 0.95)
bayesplot::mcmc_areas_ridges(rats_fit, pars = paste0("beta", "[", 1:30, "]"))
图 34.11: 参数 \(\beta\) 的后验分布

34.2.2 nlme

nlme 包适合将长格式的数据,因此,先将小鼠数据整理成长格式。

weight <- c(
  151, 145, 147, 155, 135, 159, 141, 159, 177, 134,
  160, 143, 154, 171, 163, 160, 142, 156, 157, 152, 154, 139, 146,
  157, 132, 160, 169, 157, 137, 153, 199, 199, 214, 200, 188, 210,
  189, 201, 236, 182, 208, 188, 200, 221, 216, 207, 187, 203, 212,
  203, 205, 190, 191, 211, 185, 207, 216, 205, 180, 200, 246, 249,
  263, 237, 230, 252, 231, 248, 285, 220, 261, 220, 244, 270, 242,
  248, 234, 243, 259, 246, 253, 225, 229, 250, 237, 257, 261, 248,
  219, 244, 283, 293, 312, 272, 280, 298, 275, 297, 350, 260, 313,
  273, 289, 326, 281, 288, 280, 283, 307, 286, 298, 267, 272, 285,
  286, 303, 295, 289, 258, 286, 320, 354, 328, 297, 323, 331, 305,
  338, 376, 296, 352, 314, 325, 358, 312, 324, 316, 317, 336, 321,
  334, 302, 302, 323, 331, 345, 333, 316, 291, 324
rats <- rep(1:30, each = 5)
days <- rep(c(8, 15, 22, 29, 36), each = 30)
rats_data <- data.frame(weight = weight, rats = rats, days = days)

小鼠的重量随时间增长,不同小鼠的情况又会有所不同。可用随机效应模型表示生长曲线模型,下面加载 nlme 包调用函数 lme() 拟合该模型。

rats_lme <- lme(data = rats_data, fixed = weight ~ days, random = ~ 1 | rats)
#> Linear mixed-effects model fit by REML
#>   Data: rats_data 
#>        AIC      BIC    logLik
#>   1265.735 1277.724 -628.8675
#> Random effects:
#>  Formula: ~1 | rats
#>          (Intercept) Residual
#> StdDev: 0.0008249919 16.13226
#> Fixed effects:  weight ~ days 
#>                 Value Std.Error  DF  t-value p-value
#> (Intercept) 106.56762  3.209948 120 33.19917       0
#> days          6.18571  0.133057  28 46.48933       0
#>  Correlation: 
#>      (Intr)
#> days -0.912
#> Standardized Within-Group Residuals:
#>         Min          Q1         Med          Q3         Max 
#> -2.37123210 -0.69911675  0.01219089  0.47399847  3.97009878 
#> Number of Observations: 150
#> Number of Groups: 30

模型输出结果中,固定效应中的截距项 (Intercept) 对应 106.56762,斜率 days 对应 6.18571。Stan 模型中截距参数 alpha0 的后验估计是 106.332,斜率参数 beta_c 的后验估计是 6.188。对比 Stan 和 nlme 包的拟合结果,可以发现贝叶斯和频率方法的结果是非常接近的。

34.2.3 lme4

当采用 lme4 包拟合数据的时候,发现参数取值落在参数空间的边界上,除此之外,输出结果与 nlme 包几乎相同。

rats_lme4 <- lme4::lmer(weight ~ days + (1 | rats), data = rats_data)
#> boundary (singular) fit: see help('isSingular')
#> Linear mixed model fit by REML ['lmerMod']
#> Formula: weight ~ days + (1 | rats)
#>    Data: rats_data
#> REML criterion at convergence: 1257.7
#> Scaled residuals: 
#>     Min      1Q  Median      3Q     Max 
#> -2.3712 -0.6991  0.0122  0.4740  3.9701 
#> Random effects:
#>  Groups   Name        Variance Std.Dev.
#>  rats     (Intercept)   0.0     0.00   
#>  Residual             260.2    16.13   
#> Number of obs: 150, groups:  rats, 30
#> Fixed effects:
#>             Estimate Std. Error t value
#> (Intercept) 106.5676     3.2099   33.20
#> days          6.1857     0.1331   46.49
#> Correlation of Fixed Effects:
#>      (Intr)
#> days -0.912
#> optimizer (nloptwrap) convergence code: 0 (OK)
#> boundary (singular) fit: see help('isSingular')

lme4 包依赖 nloptr 包提供数值优化求解器,也做了更多的矩阵奇异性检查,对于复杂的重复测量模型,往往会发生奇异,需要适当降低复杂性,更多详情见 lme4 包的帮助文档 help('isSingular')

34.2.4 blme

blme 包基于 lme4 包

control <- lme4::lmerControl(
  check.conv.singular = "ignore",
  check.nobs.vs.nRE = "ignore",
  check.nobs.vs.nlev = "ignore"
rats_blme <- blme::blmer(
  weight ~ days + (1 | rats),
  data = rats_data,
  resid.prior = point, cov.prior = NULL,
  control = control, REML = FALSE
#> Resid prior: point(value = 1)
#> Prior dev  : 0
#> Linear mixed model fit by maximum likelihood  ['blmerMod']
#> Formula: weight ~ days + (1 | rats)
#>    Data: rats_data
#> Control: control
#>      AIC      BIC   logLik deviance df.resid 
#>  34567.8  34579.9 -17279.9  34559.8      146 
#> Scaled residuals: 
#>     Min      1Q  Median      3Q     Max 
#> -35.932  -9.417   0.478   8.745  54.068 
#> Random effects:
#>  Groups   Name        Variance Std.Dev.
#>  rats     (Intercept) 29.22    5.405   
#>  Residual              1.00    1.000   
#> Number of obs: 150, groups:  rats, 30
#> Fixed effects:
#>             Estimate Std. Error t value
#> (Intercept)  106.568      2.413   44.16
#> days           6.186      0.100   61.84
#> Correlation of Fixed Effects:
#>      (Intr)
#> days -0.912